This post was triggered by the great blog post explaining code analysis in gdb.
Code analysis is not part of a forensic technician's required skill set and even some digital forensic analysts would never need to know how to trace a code in debug. In some cases, an investigator might be lucky enough to have a case with simple enough code to quickly see a pattern and see if it might help the investigation in order to even "mess" with interpreting the code.
The following simple code might be worth while to quickly see what the password is, so we could use that information somewhere else in the case. We know this code uses XOR ( ^ ) to check the password and even have a code commented out to decode the password for us. So, we either need to know the characteristics of XOR and decode it ourselves or use the code and compile it ourselves to see the solution.
In XOR, a clear text XORd with a key results in ciphertext, but if we have the ciphertext and the key, we can XOR them to derive at the clear text password.
Clear text 10010101 Ciphertext 10110000
Key 00100101 Key 00100101
Ciphertext 10110000 Clear text 10010101
Also, with XOR, if we do not know the key, but able to monitor the cypher text, if we enter clear texts and it results of a ciphertext of all zeroes, then the clear text entered is the key itself.
Guessed password 10010101011
Unknown key 10010101011
Ciphertext 00000000000
Thus, the guessed password is the key we are looking for. So, every ciphertext that we'll find on this system can be easily decrypted using the discovered key.
I've written a simple code to practice this process and see if you can decode my password by hand or see if you know how to compile a C++ code to let the code do it for you. Thus, basic understanding of encryption and basic knowledge of compiling code might be required in this field and in degree plans for those interested in digital forensics. Of course, you might like this type of investigations and you'd like to learn much more about programming, in that case, you might need to pursue computer science at higher institutions in order to take your skills to the next level.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string password;
string key = "abcdefgh";
string pass = "\x1b\r\xf\x10\x4\bV\\";
cout << "Please enter your password: ";
cin >> password;
//encode password
for (int index = 0; index<password.length(); index++)
password[index] = password[index] ^ key[index];
cout << "encoded: " << password << endl;
//decode password
//for (int index = 0; index<password.length(); index++)
// password[index] = password[index] ^ key[index];
//cout << "decoded: " << password << endl;
if (strcmp(&password[0],&pass[0])==0)
cout << "You got the password" << endl;
cout << "Incorrect password was entered!!!" << endl;
return 0;
Can you write a flow chart for this code and a methodology for the decoding approach?
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