Saturday, February 28, 2015

Windows 10 Default File List - first look

One of the first thing you should do in learning about a new operating system or identify patterns is to create a file list.  Try to focus on time stamps to identify what files were changed as part of the installation process.  Files might contain relevant information of the installation process, so make sure you document basic time information as you install the OS.  Those files should be a good starting point to  start your research.

Later on, you can use the hash values to eliminate some of the files that are not changed between reboots to further reduce files to research.

Practicing to look at files in this way can help you become someone who can find new features in new operating systems to help everyone learn about the new technologies implemented in new operating systems or applications.

Install file used, ( Windows10_TechnicalPreview_x64_EN-US_9926.iso )

Download files' metadata of default Windows 10 installation.

Timeline of install ( 2/28/2015 )

8:03 start install
8:04 click on "install now"
8:05 agree license
8:06 next at partition screen
8:13 restart
8:22 express setup
8:23 tried to login without email
8:25 entered hotmail email
8:26 entered verify email address ( yahoo )
8:29 done it again  ( mistyped the first one )
8:30 entered verification code 2005433
8:31 installing apps ( no interaction )
8:34 desktop
8:34 typed notepad and launched notepad app
6:36 ( time off ) typed regedit
8:37 changed time zone from Pacific to Central
8:39 turn off

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Technology and Generations

What generation are you and how do you see other generations? Do you work with other generations; what do you think how they see you?
Baby Boomers: 1943 - 1960s
Generation X: 1960s - 1980s
Millennials or Generation Y: early 1980s - early 2000s
Generation Z: mid 2000s to present day

I'm a GenX. Somewhat computer dependent and a producer not necessarily a consumer. BBs have great skills in understanding technology at a deeper level, but ready to retire and reluctant to change old ways. They created today's technology, but capabilities were nothing by today's standards and they still "riding" that old, very detail oriented, but slow mentality. GenY is very technology dependent without desire to be producers. Live for today, have no plans, be successful, delay family establishment, and career oriented. GenY are great target for tech companies since make it pretty I'll buy it works well in business. Feels comfortable using technology and gets things done much quicker than other Gens using mobile technology, but lack of desire or need to understand what they are using or how it can be used against them. Great target for advertisers since they are connected 24/7. Want to make changes that effect many. No desire for details, but great multitaskers if focus is forced onto them. GenZ, technology natives do not need introduction to computers to get things done, they don't know how else to get things done. Health conscious, politically tuned out, socially impaired, and generally not interested in organized religious denominations.

  Share your thought and experience with other Generations.

How Computers Work - Turing Machine

 In the beginning, there was only a concept that eventually became the seed that started the modern area of computer science.  Alan Turing's hypothetical computer model is amazingly simple and elegant at the same time.  

This idea can be explained in simple terms of picking fruit in an orchard.  Your initial state ( Si ) is the entry point of your program where you start to make decisions.  You see a tree and decide to pick fruit from it, so you need to transition to state one ( S1 ) where you climb up on the tree to pick its fruit.  That is like starting a process and the fruit represents the commands in the process that you need to accomplish.  When you get to the end of the statements in that process, then you need to transition to another state to decide what to do next.  You have picked all the ripened fruit from the tree and any statement that you have processed, you changed its "flag" to show that it was picked and some you have not.  In any case, you climb off the tree and see if there are more trees to process ( S2), so you return to your initial state ( Si ) in order to start processing the next tree ( S1 ).  So, you climb on the next tree ( S1 ), you process it, and then you climb off ( S2 ).  You go back to the initial state ( Si ) and find out that there is no more tree to process, so you transition to the halt ( Sh ) state.  You are done with the work, so you can stop now instead of continuing aimlessly looking for trees to process.  You not allow for an infinite looping, but you realize when you are done.  That is the premise of computer science, the reliable problem solving in a finite amount of time.  It is like moving from the old testament to  the new testament;  moving from computing the result of an arithmetic operation to solving problems that humans are not capable of on paper. 

The hypothetical machine triggered a simple plan of designing a computer that stored things and did things with the stored information.  Te result of an operation could be stored back onto the computer to do something else with the results.  John Von Neumann started this "journey" with a simple sentence like this:

That simple idea later became the computer we know today.  You might be puzzled how computers can evaluate a complex arithmetic calculation, but when you analyze it, it is just a simple matter of pushing and popping values on and off a stack.  You can use the DC utility ( ) to practice this type of simple calculations in a Windows environment. 

Your innovation starts by looking back to those who carved the path in front of you.  Don't ever underestimate the value of learning about history.  Deeper your understanding of technology, better your chance to innovate or improve and become a producer not just a consumer.

You can watch a video where I explain these concepts.

Also, take a look at the Fetch, Decode, Execute, Writeback cycle to learn even more about how computers are organize data as John Von Neumann designed it based on Alan Turing concept.