Sunday, February 22, 2015

Technology and Generations

What generation are you and how do you see other generations? Do you work with other generations; what do you think how they see you?
Baby Boomers: 1943 - 1960s
Generation X: 1960s - 1980s
Millennials or Generation Y: early 1980s - early 2000s
Generation Z: mid 2000s to present day

I'm a GenX. Somewhat computer dependent and a producer not necessarily a consumer. BBs have great skills in understanding technology at a deeper level, but ready to retire and reluctant to change old ways. They created today's technology, but capabilities were nothing by today's standards and they still "riding" that old, very detail oriented, but slow mentality. GenY is very technology dependent without desire to be producers. Live for today, have no plans, be successful, delay family establishment, and career oriented. GenY are great target for tech companies since make it pretty I'll buy it works well in business. Feels comfortable using technology and gets things done much quicker than other Gens using mobile technology, but lack of desire or need to understand what they are using or how it can be used against them. Great target for advertisers since they are connected 24/7. Want to make changes that effect many. No desire for details, but great multitaskers if focus is forced onto them. GenZ, technology natives do not need introduction to computers to get things done, they don't know how else to get things done. Health conscious, politically tuned out, socially impaired, and generally not interested in organized religious denominations.

  Share your thought and experience with other Generations.

1 comment:

  1. If the Roswell incident of New Mexico lead to the invention of the micro chip the baby boomers set the stage for the rest of us.

    My Father and Mother both are boomers and both use mobiles and can operate some technology because although from a time with only juke boxes and tube T.V. they understand that for every action there is a reaction. They only care that it functions for a productive purpose and don't quibble about the specifications of the device so long it performs, slow and steady wins the race.
    When I think of the Gen X we tend to think of those huge computer rooms with light bulbs and those odd little noises that they made. It was these Gen X 'ers or producers who revamped every thing prior to my generation. People born during this era gave us color screens , the mouse and of course the networking protocols.

    Speaking for myself as a person born in the late 80's who has seen the Nintendo 8 bit evolve to 16 bits then 64 bits and of course seeing cassette and VCR tapes replaced by disc or how that awkward sound of a dial up modem has been replaced by Coaxial cable and fiber optics; I am a CONSUMER! Sadly most of my generation does not understand nor has the curiosity to ask or find answers. Unless it pertains to goal or a selfish reason my generation won't contribute. Take Facebook as an example it was created by a millennial for college students only for social purposes. Its owners goals expanded and so did the facebook project enough to try and brand an HTC FIRST as a FACEBOOK phone. The site and owner are constantly frowned upon for its privacy and user metadata being sold off. Most of my generation although they know won't Care. Yippee we get to show off and socialize online at the expense of privacy!!

    Then we got the kids born today or atleast it feels like they were. These kids will be at a loss with out technology. I have 3-4 year old family members that knows how to unlock the homescreen on a phone navigate to youtube or the camera app and this is just mind blowing. Pattern recognition?

    Well like anything technology can be a good or bad thing. I hear my mother say this to my Father all too often " If you spent as much time and efforts infront of that phone wiping it left and right as you would on wiping the rest of the house, it would be spotless!"

    Clearly while an abundance of the learning curve and contributuon to technology may be generation dependant, every individual is different.
